Green Actions



Solar power is a great option to not only generate 100% clean electricity but to also save significantly on your electricity bill. Once you’ve implemented home energy efficiency measures, upgrading to solar panels can be a great way to decrease your household environmental footprint.

In assessing a home or commercial roof’s viability for solar, some factors an installer will consider are: how much direct sunlight will the panels receive throughout the day; is the roof large enough to support enough panels to make a difference to the building’s energy usage; and is the roof in good condition.

Various financial incentives are available for both residential solar and commercial solar in Massachusetts in addition to federal solar incentives. Solar arrays can be purchased or leased. Often when Beverly residents purchase or finance their solar panels, the system pays for itself in 4-7 years. Leasing solar can be a great way to control your electric costs, save money, and support clean energy without having to pay anything at all.

Green Beverly has expert solar coaches that can walk you through the decision process and can recommend three residential solar installers in Massachusetts for you to talk to if your home or building is a good solar energy candidate.

Talk to a Green Beverly Coach about the possibility of putting solar on your roof



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Even though we use fossil fuels to generate electricity today, the reliance on fossil fuels is decreasing and eventually our electricity will be generated with 100% clean energy.